O.b.L. is a curated collection of explorations spanning various fields. As the lines between the physical, digital, and generated realms become increasingly blurred, the concept delves into the intriguing phenomenon of mutual mimicry among these domains.
For example, a simple sketch can evolve into an intricate 3D model, which can then be transformed into a tangible object through 3D printing. The physical model can be further captured through photography and integrated into the training process for generating AI-driven videos or stills. O.b.L. serves as an experimental playground, enabling the exploration of new tools and techniques to uncover novel possibilities that may not have been initially considered.
The work emphasizes a strong focus on the creative process and the utilization of diverse tools to produce innovative and captivating outcomes. Leveraging the advancements in technology, boundaries are pushed, and new frontiers are explored through the interplay of different media forms, each imitating and influencing the others.